Saint Matthew HSM

Saint Matthew HSM

Thursday, September 6, 2012


ABS-Lifegroups are a key program for making our high school group smaller by dividing into weekly Bible study groups for study, prayer and accountability. These groups are for Christians who want to go deeper and take their faith to the next level. Groups will meet in homes and in the Teen Center on various nights.

ABS-Lifegroups registration is available here:
ABS-Lifegroups Registration


ABS-Fellowship is our large group program that's designed to be inviting and have a friendly, fun, challenging and exciting atmosphere. It's a place to bring friends and to find out what God is all about.

The ABS-Fellowship night begins Tuesday, September 11 from 7-8:30 p.m. with a "Welcome Back BBQ" in the Teen Center.

Teen Ministry registration forms are available here:
Teen Ministry Registration & Authorization