Saint Matthew HSM

Saint Matthew HSM

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas at Saint Matthew

December 24
2:00 and 4:00 pm
Family Worship Services, appropriate for families with young kids.

7:00 and 9:00 PM
Christmas Eve Worship Celebration,  music led by band, choir, brass and organ.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

HS LOG Weekend

LOG is a Christian retreat that offers a way for students to help themselves and each other live their lives as a part of a Christian community. It introduces and reinforces the fullness that a Christian life can be, in a way that is geared towards high school students.

The LOG Weekend is January 11-13 in Walnut Creek.

Online Participant Application (for those who HAVE NOT attended a LOG Weekend) are available and are due by 12/16.

Click the link to fill out the application online:
Participant Application

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mexcio Mission Trip 2013

The High School Mexico Mission Trip is March 31-April 6, 2013.
We'll be building houses in Tecate Mexico through Amor Ministries.
Registration has begun for the Mexico Mission Trip that is March 31-April 6, 2013.
The initial deposit of $200 is due now.
All youth who participate in the Amigo Fund Raising Program and attend all the meetings can reduce the trip cost down to $335 per person, which includes: food, transportation, building supplies and housing.
Mexico Meeting #2 is on Sunday, January 27 from 1-2:30 pm in the Teen Center at church. Through the Amigo Program each meeting that you attend will deduct $ from the trip cost.
You can pick up an information packet from Pastor David.
You can register online by clicking this link:

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012


ABS-Lifegroups are a key program for making our high school group smaller by dividing into weekly Bible study groups for study, prayer and accountability. These groups are for Christians who want to go deeper and take their faith to the next level. Groups will meet in homes and in the Teen Center on various nights.

ABS-Lifegroups registration is available here:
ABS-Lifegroups Registration


ABS-Fellowship is our large group program that's designed to be inviting and have a friendly, fun, challenging and exciting atmosphere. It's a place to bring friends and to find out what God is all about.

The ABS-Fellowship night begins Tuesday, September 11 from 7-8:30 p.m. with a "Welcome Back BBQ" in the Teen Center.

Teen Ministry registration forms are available here:
Teen Ministry Registration & Authorization

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hume Lake Media

Hey Hume Campers...if you want to download the videos, audio messages or photos from our week at Hume Lake click this link: Hume Lake Week 7

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Summer ABS - July 31

Summer ABS, Baptisms & Senior Farewell.
This event is open to all high school and incoming high school students.
Bring $1 for snacks (eat dinner before you arrive), a swimsuit (girls one piece/guys no speedos), a towel and sweatshirt.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Friday Around Camp

Friday Night

After breakfast, morning chapel was a time of worship through music and then each church met together for “church time.” Saint Matthew was in Memorial Chapel and we spent our time sharing how we encountered God this week along with communion.Friday’s rec. was the “Great Race” which was a series of challenges all around Ponderosa Camp. Two of Saint Matthew's teams placed in the top five.Free time was spent boating on the lake, swimming at the pool and cove, volleyball and a few rousing games of cards on the deck.After dinner was the annual Seniors vs. Staff Wiffle Ball game on the lower lawn. Friday’s chapel was our last chance to worship together with this year’s band, Love Lite, the awards for rec. and the coveted first place team T-shirt won by Team Booya (which included a cabin of girls from Saint Matthew). We also heard Chuck Bomar's last chapel message on "Remembering God." After chapel we went up the hill to Victory Circle.At Victory Circle, students shared three words to describe the victories they’ve experienced this week in their lives. It’s a powerful and meaning experience hearing students share how they’ve come to faith, been challenged by God and how they hope to be different people when they head down the hill tomorrow morning.Well it’s off to cabins and our last cabin group, tomorrow morning, it’s up early, packing, breakfast and loading the buses for our journey back to the Creek.~PD et al.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Thursday Around Camp

Thursday Night

This morning began with early morning worship through music in Ponderosa Chapel and we watched a mission video that the directors of Hume's Middle & High School camps filmed down in Haiti this Spring. In the video and through discussion/prayer we were challenged to be missionaries wherever God calls us.Thursday's recreation was "Super Spirit Day" with the theme of "Red, White & Blue on You." The rec. games were four wild relay races on the upper lawn with triple spirit points.During afternoon free time, there was a basketball tournament in the Ark (Saint Matthew's team of David Bridges, Drew Downing & Matt Trowbridge took second), the Art Kart on the lower lawn, along with the boating on the lake, swimming in the pool and card games on the "Hume-N-Beans" deck.After dinner was the counselor gauntlet (a competition where Wipeout meets Gladiator) where Saint Matthew was ably represented by Drew Eldred & TJ Hurst.Thursday evening, our speaker, Chuck Bomar, shared that each of us have "giants" in our lives and the one that most of us have is guilt & shame...and often that "giant" separates us from God. We often confuse faithfulness with perfection and when we fail at being perfect we feel guilt & shame. Chuck challenged us that when the Holy Spirit "convicts" us of or sin, we should run to the cross rather than feeling guilt & shame.At the end of the evening Chuck challenged students to pause and reflect where they’re at and if they needed to reconnect with God to stay behind and spend some time in prayer.After evening chapel was open camp: with skating in "The Ark," a skate competition at "The Skate Park" (won by Emmit Kavert from Saint Matthew) and Open Mic on the "Hume-N-Beans" deck.~PD, et al.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday Around Camp

Wednesday Night

Wednesday morning began with the Hume Lake biathlon, a swim in the lake (~10 laps) and a run around the lake (~3.2 miles). Two Saint Matthew students (Zach Smith & Mitchell Muskat) were in the top five of the swimmers and eight Saint Matthew students (girls and guys) competed as runners. After the biathalon was the Wednesday morning seminars. Students were able to pick from 5 seminars over 2 different sessions. Some of the seminars were, "Life," "If God is good Why is There Evil?," and "Legacy" to name a few followed by a time of worship through music with "Love Lite." After lunch we went to the pond and ark for our church free time. While there, we spent time on the Noah's Nightmare rope swing, the blob, playing basketball, foosball & ping-pong in the ark, and just chilling on the lawn with friends. After church free time a group of 47 headed of to "battle" on the paintball field. Wednesday dinner was split into a Guys Dinner-manly eathing and extreme musical chairs won a Saint Matthew student (Matt Trowbridge). The Girls Dinner-a time of singing and counselors sharing their "mad dance skills." Wednesday night chapel, Chuck shared with us that when we operate in God's design we'll get: peace, joy and ultimate contementment in our lives. After chapel the evening concluded with the Kajabe finals on the upper lawn and free time hanging out with friends. PD, et al.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday Around Camp

Tuesday Night

Our morning chapel began with an extended worship time and afterwards we met with our lead counselors for a short devotional about God's sufficiency followed by some solo quiet time to get alone with God.Tuesday’s rec. was the game of Kajabe at 7 different cans.
There were plenty of activities during free time including: a volleyball tournament, a 101 seminar on “Alone time with God,” swimming, boating, hiking and playing cards on the Hume-N-Beans deck.
Tuesday’s evening chapel was the gospel message and we had 6 Saint Matthew students who stayed behind with our counselors after receiving Christ for the first time . . . which is always a meaningful experience to be a part of.
Tuesday evening’s free time included a mini concert by "Love Lite," grabbing a late night snack at one of the food venues, playing games or just hanging out, meeting and talking with new friends.
PD, et al.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Around Camp

Monday Night

This morning the wake up bell began our full first day here at Hume Lake. After breakfast we journeyed over to Ponderosa Chapel for morning chapel and spent some time in worship through music with this year's worship band “Love Lite." After worship, we were introduced to this year’s speaker, Chuck Bomar, who is the lead pastor of Colossae Church in Portland, Oregon. After morning chapel we had a “So What Time” with each of our cabins and went to the first recreation chapel. This year’s camp teams are the “Ahhs” (neon green shirts) and “Ooos (tourquoise shirts).” The camp teams are further divided into 28 sub teams. Because of the size of our church we are on a number of sub teams like: “Aakwards," "Bazoookas," "Ooompalumpas," Fa la la la la, Mother Goooose, Bally Hooooos, to name a few. Today was 4-way games at 4 different locations. We competed in games like “Big Belly Soccer," "The Mud Pit," and the Gauntlet" as each team began the quest for the coveted first place rec. t-shirt. After recreation, was lunch and free time—on the lake, and around camp. A group of 60 took over both the high adventure course times and were challenged by the ropes course through the trees, climbing wall, pampra poles and the 42-foot high screamer. After dinner was the bike jump into the Lake where 4 Saint Matthew students competed. During our evening chapel Chuck shared how God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and to be open this week to hear God speak to us through his word and that we would listen. After chapel we had a Luau complete with a belly flop contest in the pool and Hawaiian shaved iced. PD et al.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Around Camp

Sunday Night

We had a nice routine bus ride up to Hume Lake. All three buses arrived safely at two-thirty in the afternoon. This year's theme is "The Phantastical Journey of the Wandering Lites" and is based on Exodus 6. The opener was in the chapel with an Arabian Night's Theme of Moses challenging Pharoah to let God's people go. The opener had plenty of singing of "older school songs-Pharoah, Pharoah," "newer school songs-Bye, Bye, Bye" and plenty of dancing. During evening chapel, Rich Baker, Ponderosa's co-camp-director, taught us that the Bible tells us that God is sufficient. That might be easy to believe, but it's a constant challenge to put that belief into action. Even when God's blessings have been marvelously displayed, we still tend to reject or forget it. This struggle is illuminated by the story of the Israelites as they literally followed the visible presence of God out of Egypt, yet still rejected, replaced, and simply forgot God's provision and guidance. All of our students who wanted to, got signed up for Paintball and High Adventure. PD et al.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hume Lake - Ponderosa Camp

Check-in begins in the Teen Center on Sunday, July 22 at 7:30 am.
You must be on campus before 8:15 am and check-in ends by 8:45 am.
The buses departs at 9 a.m. with or without you.
Leave all cell phones, iPods and electronics at home.
The buses will return to Saint Matthew by 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 28.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Mexico Mission Trip 2012

April 22
8:15 am Amigo Worship Service (be there by 8 am)-Ben’s & Megan’s small groups
9:30 am Amigo Worship Service (be there by 9:15 am)-Elyse’s, Zach S’s., Selena’s small groups
11:00 am Amigo Worship Service (be there by 10:45 am)-Connor’s/Caroline’s, Georgia’s & Zack F.’s small groups
11:45 am Amigo Lunch Set-up 
12:30 pm Amigo Lunch and Program

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Spring LOG Weekend

LOG is a Christian retreat that offers a way for students to help themselves and each other live their lives as a part of a Christian community. It introduces and reinforces the fullness that a Christian life can be, in a way that is geared towards high school students.

The Spring LOG Weekend is March 16-18 in Walnut Creek.

Online Participant Application Link:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year Update

Beginning Tuesday, January 3, ABS moves to Tuesday nights from 7-9 pm in the Teen Center

Beginning Sunday, January 15, Student Impact changes to Middle School only from 9:30-10:45 am in the Teen Center. High Schoolers are encouraged to attend the 11 am worship service. We'll sit together in the section next to the choir loft.

The Spring LOG Weekend is March 16-18 in Walnut Creek. Participant Applications (for those who HAVEN'T attending a LOG Weekend) are due by February 21.
Online Participant Application Link:

Snow Blast
We’ll be staying at Whispering Pines Conference Center in Sierra Village.
The cost is $170 and is due now.
You can register online by clicking this link:

Registration has begun for the Mexico Mission Trip that is April 8-14. The initial deposit of $200 is due now. Mexico Meeting #2 is on Sunday, January 22 from 1-2:30 pm in the Teen Center at church. Through the Amigo Program each meeting that you attend will deduct $ from the trip cost.
You can register online by clicking this link: