Saint Matthew HSM

Saint Matthew HSM

Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Night

This morning the wake up bell began our full first day here at Hume Lake. After breakfast we journeyed over to Ponderosa Chapel for morning chapel and spent some time in worship through music with this year's worship band “Love Lite." After worship, we were introduced to this year’s speaker, Chuck Bomar, who is the lead pastor of Colossae Church in Portland, Oregon. After morning chapel we had a “So What Time” with each of our cabins and went to the first recreation chapel. This year’s camp teams are the “Ahhs” (neon green shirts) and “Ooos (tourquoise shirts).” The camp teams are further divided into 28 sub teams. Because of the size of our church we are on a number of sub teams like: “Aakwards," "Bazoookas," "Ooompalumpas," Fa la la la la, Mother Goooose, Bally Hooooos, to name a few. Today was 4-way games at 4 different locations. We competed in games like “Big Belly Soccer," "The Mud Pit," and the Gauntlet" as each team began the quest for the coveted first place rec. t-shirt. After recreation, was lunch and free time—on the lake, and around camp. A group of 60 took over both the high adventure course times and were challenged by the ropes course through the trees, climbing wall, pampra poles and the 42-foot high screamer. After dinner was the bike jump into the Lake where 4 Saint Matthew students competed. During our evening chapel Chuck shared how God is the same yesterday, today and forever, and to be open this week to hear God speak to us through his word and that we would listen. After chapel we had a Luau complete with a belly flop contest in the pool and Hawaiian shaved iced. PD et al.

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