Saint Matthew HSM

Saint Matthew HSM

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday Night

We had a mostly uneventful journey up to Hume Lake. With the warm temperature, the bus overheated and arrived 1 1/2 hours after the other two vehicles. By 5 pm all three vehicles were safely up at camp. This year's theme is Who is Phoenix Dark? Everyone has an opinion, but what are the facts? In a story shadowed with mystery and intrigue, a man is asked to uncover the truth about who Phoenix Dark really is before the clock runs out. This week we'll be exploring the same question that Jesus asked his disciples in Matthew 16:15 - “But what about you?” He asked. “Who do you say I am?” The opener was in the chapel with a 1930's Cops and Robbers Theme set in Mercury City (aka New York). There was singing, dancing, tommy guns and cops and robbers galore. During evening chapel, Rich Baker, Ponderosa's co-camp-director, focus on this weeks theme verse and asked the question: Do you know things about Jesus or do you know Jesus and trust him with your life? All of our students who wanted to, got signed up for Paintball and High Adventure.
~PD et al.

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