Saint Matthew HSM

Saint Matthew HSM

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Wednesday Night

Wednesday morning began with the Hume Lake biathlon, a swim in the lake (~15 laps) and a run around the lake (~3.2 miles). Saint Matt's swimmers were: Harley Humphrey, Andrew Joseph, Katelyn Parsons & Charlie Walsh and runners were: Natalie Adey & Kevin Mahlman. After the biathlon were the Wednesday morning seminars. Students were able to pick from 7 seminars over 2 different sessions. Some of the seminars were, "Identity," "Boyz 2 Men," and "Apologetics" to name a few followed by a time of worship through music with "For All Seasons." After lunch we went to the "Pirate's Cove" and the jumping rock for our church free time. While there, we spent time swimming, jumping off the rock, kayaking, slack lining and just sunning on the big rock with friends. After church free time, the group headed off with friends to h,ave some fun with the many things that Hume offers. Wednesday dinner was split into a Guys Dinner-manly eating and extreme eating & musical chairs. The Girls Dinner-sing-a-longs and dance-offs. Wednesday night chapel, PJ taught us what you do and how you live shows what you believe in. After chapel the evening concluded with the Kajabe finals on the upper lawn and free time hanging out with friends.
~PD, et al.

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