Saint Matthew HSM

Saint Matthew HSM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tuesday Night

Tuesday is always an interesting day, because it’s the first day of camp where the excitement of being at Hume begins to wear off and you slowly start to realize the draining effect of being away from home and your own bed. You pour all your energy into worship, recreation and free time and seem to get very little sleep. But don’t get me wrong, I can guarantee that each and every camper is really enjoying the experience that is Hume. Just like the previous day, we woke up at seven in the morning to shower and get ready for another good day. We slowly headed off to breakfast, and I begin to mentally prepare for the incoming camp food (which is always . . . fantastic :). After breakfast we made our way to chapel to worship with this year’s worship band, Exodus. Tuesday morning’s chapel speaker was a Christian apologist. To be completely honest, I didn’t agree with all of the things he said, but regardless, there is always some new things to learn, and I took away a few new ideas. Break out time, or small groups followed where we had the opportunity to process the morning’s talk. Today’s recreation was a camp game with, trashcans, green face paint and neon pink spandex. In turn creating quite the wild experience. During free time forty of us headed off to high adventure, which is basically a ropes course made of wire hanging in the trees. Oh, and its over forty feet in the air. Forty. I watched as some of us, who aren’t afraid of heights, made their way through the obstacle course. Afterward we had dinner and headed off to evening chapel. Exodus led another awesome worship session, Exodus exited and Darren McWaters came out and delivered an excellent message. Darren spoke about accepting Jesus into our lives, and seven of our students accepted Jesus Christ for the first time, which was awesome to see. In our cabin we had a great small group session following evening chapel and each person had a lot to share with some excellent questions. Following our small group time, we drifted off to sleep to regain some energy for a new day.
- Zach Garman

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