Saint Matthew HSM

Saint Matthew HSM

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday Night

So, it’s Wednesday and a lot of us are TIRED! This morning after breakfast was the annual Hume biathlon (swimming and lake run). A number of our students competed and ended up in the top 10— our very own Ricky Niese took first place in the swimming challenge (it was the equivalent of eight laps) and Alex Platt took fifth. In the run around the lake (3.2 miles) Matt Day took second place and Paul Stephens took fourth. This morning there were two seminar sessions and we had seven options to pick from. The seminars included: ‘Busting the Boyfriendless Blues’, ‘Life After High School’, ‘World Religions’ and ‘In Whose Image?’ This afternoon, two groups found out the secret of the Little Brown Church and thirty-five students played paint ball. Although our energy is pretty much zapped, we still have enough to appreciate the beauty of the camp, and how blessed we are to be here. Just this morning I went walking around the lake, and it was completely calm and still. It gave me a great chance to talk with God and clarify my relationship with him. The band, Exodus, is giving a concert tonight which will give us the chance to worship and hear some of the band’s own songs.
-Christina Niccolai

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